Saturday, September 3, 2011

How to Protect your Skin from Photoaging ?

It is almost a universally accepted fact that no one likes to age faster. In fact, people do not want to age at all! In order to stop or at least slow down the aging process, people try all the possible methods and techniques that could help them to win over the battle against the natural aging process.

But since aging is a natural and a biological process, it cannot be completely stopped. But you can still do lots of things and take many precautionary and preventive measures to slow down the aging process. Here we will discuss about photo aging, which is caused by excessive exposure to the harmful rays of the sun that is known as Ultra Violet rays.

Excessive exposure to the UV rays can make a person’s skin appear dry,with irregular dark/light pigmentation,deep wrinkles etc(1,2).It has to be distinguished from chronological aging which is characterized by fine wrinkling, certain benign growths etc (1).This is done by a dermatologist. These signs of aging are enough to make your facial skin look far aged than your actual age! The damage caused to the skin due to over-exposure to the harmful rays of the sun, in simple terms, is termed as photoaging.

Given below are some useful tips to protect your skin from photoaging and keep your skin looking younger and full of life.

We know that epidermis, dermis and the subcutaneous layer are the three layers that comprise the skin. And collagen and elastin along with the other fibers make up the middle layer i.e. the dermis and are significantly responsible for providing support, firmness and elasticity to the skin and thus make it look young and beautiful. Repeated exposures to UV rays lead to increased breakdown and decreased production of collagen in the dermis.The damage accumulates overtime and leads to visible skin changes(3).

One of the best and the easiest tips to protect your skin from rapid photoaging is to get adequate sleep each day. If you get sufficient sleep, it will provide strength to your dermis to combat and tolerate the damage caused by the Ultra Violet rays. Also, proper sleep stimulates and enhances your brain, and according to recent evidence even skin, to produce melatonin that helps in reducing the negative effects of the sun’s rays on your skin(4). So sleep well to fight rapid photoaging.

The next tip to protect your skin from rapid photoaging is to make regular use of the sun blocks. You must never step out in the sun’s rays without applying a good-quality sun screen cream or lotion. And it should be applied on all your exposed skin at least half an hour before going outdoors.

If you have to spend long hours in the sun then do not forget to reapply the sunscreen at regular intervals. Your sunscreen should have at least a SPF( Sun Protection Factor) greater than 15 . SPF protects you from UV B rays only. Check out the sunscreens for UV A protection as well.It will be better if you use a wide-range sunscreen as it is more effective in providing protection against all types of the Ultra Violet rays.

Another useful tip to protect your skin from rapid photoaging is to correct the photo-damage by using moisturizers with healing properties. You must select moisturizing products that include ingredients such as CynergyTK and Wakame( aka undaria pinnatifida). CynergyTK looks after appropriate restoration of collagen(citation needed). Wakame helps in evading the damages caused to the collagen fiber. It also stops collagen protein from declining through it's antioxidant effects(6). All these factors help in preventing your skin against rapid photoaging.

Increasing the consumption of food sources of Vitamin C and Vitamin E can also help you in protecting your skin from rapid photoaging(5,8). Citrus fruits and certain vegetables are superb Vitamin C sources. This vitamin works against rapid photoaging by promoting the revival of collagen in your body system. Also, it has anti-oxidative properties and maintains even and fair skin tone by controlling the production of melanin pigments(7).

Protective clothing has proved to provide the greatest protection of all(5).For treatment consult a dermatologist.

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