Let's face it; the subject of heart disease should terrify anyone. What most people don't know is that heart disease can affect individuals at a young age. For most people who reach forty this is a subject to consider in order to maintain good health.
There are two ways to understand this problem that affects millions of people in the world. First is how is the disease treated, and the second part and even more important point, is prevention of the disease from the start!
How do doctors treat me if I've already developed heart disease?
This is by far the more scary of the two subjects; treatment versus prevention. As treatment implies, you already have the disease. How is heart disease treated becomes the main focus.
Today, doctors have several ways of analyzing the situation and determining the course of treatment. A blood lipid panel is the most basic starting point. The next step can include a stress test to determine the degree of coronary blockage and how the heart is working.
The stress test is only accurate in determining blockage somewhere in the sixty percent range. As a backup to the stress test, often a cardiologist will recommend doing a test that involves what is called nuclear medicine.
In this procedure, a tiny amount of isotope in injected into the blood stream. What this does is determine how heart disease is treated by revealing in great detail the degree of coronary blockage from inside the heart. This test while sounding scary is actually very accurate. I can attest to this from personal experience!
What other measures are available for treatment of heart disease?
Assuming the tests have determined that you are indeed suffering from heart disease, another treatment option is to insert a stent into one or more arteries to effectively re-inflate the artery in order to increase blood flow. Obviously this is more intensive and is usually in lieu of a complete surgery to repair damage.
The drawback to this option is that over time the stent wears out and the procedure needs to be repeated again. This can be emotionally as well as physically draining.
Are there options to reverse heart disease?
Depending on the degree and type of heart disease, there are options available to help reverse early stage heart disease. In order to reverse damage to your heart, your doctor may recommend a regimen of statin drugs that reduce cholesterol which is the main cause of coronary blockage.
Your medical team also has clot buster drugs at their disposal. These meds are given through the veins and referred to as thrombolytic therapy to break up blood clots in the coronary artery. These are effective steps to reverse heart disease assuming that reversal is still a possibility.
Aspirin therapy is also another option in a whole range of measures to reverse heart disease. Nobody should think that simply popping an aspirin at home is going to reverse heart disease by itself; but there are many benefits to taking a low dose aspirin on a daily basis.
Prevention of heart disease
We have saved prevention for last to illustrate the entire trauma that can be avoided by simply making a few lifestyle changes. Better to avoid the problem completely by getting moderate exercise on a daily basis, and eating a healthy diet including the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids!
By avoiding saturated fat in animal fat products like too much red meat and dairy products, and eating more Omega 3 rich foods like vegetables and fruit, you can lower your cholesterol. Remember, cholesterol is the number one contributor to heart disease!
The fatty acids contained in Omega 3 fish oil include DHA and EPA. These fatty acids fight bad cholesterol by promoting HDL cholesterol or the good cholesterol at the expense of the bad cholesterol known as LDL.
So powerful is the efficacy of treatment with Omega 3 fish oil in combating bad cholesterol, that in Rome, at the San Filippo Neri Hospital, heart attack patients are given fish oil rich with DHA and EPA Omega 3 fatty acids as a standard regimen to reverse bad heart health.
Diets rich with Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the primary ways to avoid heart disease from ever developing in the first place. Remember we are what we eat.
Now that you know the facts, doesn't it make sense to avoid poor heart health by taking preventative measures starting from today onward? The single best way to take care of your heart is to eat a healthy diet and watch your weight while making sure to consume healthy Omega 3 fatty acids. What are you waiting for?
There are two ways to understand this problem that affects millions of people in the world. First is how is the disease treated, and the second part and even more important point, is prevention of the disease from the start!
How do doctors treat me if I've already developed heart disease?
This is by far the more scary of the two subjects; treatment versus prevention. As treatment implies, you already have the disease. How is heart disease treated becomes the main focus.
Today, doctors have several ways of analyzing the situation and determining the course of treatment. A blood lipid panel is the most basic starting point. The next step can include a stress test to determine the degree of coronary blockage and how the heart is working.
The stress test is only accurate in determining blockage somewhere in the sixty percent range. As a backup to the stress test, often a cardiologist will recommend doing a test that involves what is called nuclear medicine.
In this procedure, a tiny amount of isotope in injected into the blood stream. What this does is determine how heart disease is treated by revealing in great detail the degree of coronary blockage from inside the heart. This test while sounding scary is actually very accurate. I can attest to this from personal experience!
What other measures are available for treatment of heart disease?
Assuming the tests have determined that you are indeed suffering from heart disease, another treatment option is to insert a stent into one or more arteries to effectively re-inflate the artery in order to increase blood flow. Obviously this is more intensive and is usually in lieu of a complete surgery to repair damage.
The drawback to this option is that over time the stent wears out and the procedure needs to be repeated again. This can be emotionally as well as physically draining.
Are there options to reverse heart disease?
Depending on the degree and type of heart disease, there are options available to help reverse early stage heart disease. In order to reverse damage to your heart, your doctor may recommend a regimen of statin drugs that reduce cholesterol which is the main cause of coronary blockage.
Your medical team also has clot buster drugs at their disposal. These meds are given through the veins and referred to as thrombolytic therapy to break up blood clots in the coronary artery. These are effective steps to reverse heart disease assuming that reversal is still a possibility.
Aspirin therapy is also another option in a whole range of measures to reverse heart disease. Nobody should think that simply popping an aspirin at home is going to reverse heart disease by itself; but there are many benefits to taking a low dose aspirin on a daily basis.
Prevention of heart disease
We have saved prevention for last to illustrate the entire trauma that can be avoided by simply making a few lifestyle changes. Better to avoid the problem completely by getting moderate exercise on a daily basis, and eating a healthy diet including the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids!
By avoiding saturated fat in animal fat products like too much red meat and dairy products, and eating more Omega 3 rich foods like vegetables and fruit, you can lower your cholesterol. Remember, cholesterol is the number one contributor to heart disease!
The fatty acids contained in Omega 3 fish oil include DHA and EPA. These fatty acids fight bad cholesterol by promoting HDL cholesterol or the good cholesterol at the expense of the bad cholesterol known as LDL.
So powerful is the efficacy of treatment with Omega 3 fish oil in combating bad cholesterol, that in Rome, at the San Filippo Neri Hospital, heart attack patients are given fish oil rich with DHA and EPA Omega 3 fatty acids as a standard regimen to reverse bad heart health.
Diets rich with Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the primary ways to avoid heart disease from ever developing in the first place. Remember we are what we eat.
Now that you know the facts, doesn't it make sense to avoid poor heart health by taking preventative measures starting from today onward? The single best way to take care of your heart is to eat a healthy diet and watch your weight while making sure to consume healthy Omega 3 fatty acids. What are you waiting for?
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