Thursday, September 1, 2011

Benefits of Policosanol

Benefits of policosanol for lowering cholesterol naturally are not yet widely known. However this amazing substance can not only lower cholesterol naturally, raise HDL levels, and reduce heart disease risk in several other ways!
What is policosanol?
It is a substance extracted from cane sugar that combines eight long chain fatty alcohols including octacosanol. It can normalize cholesterol as well or in some cases even better than drugs without the toxicity.
It is used extensively in Europe for it's protective effects against heart disease, but is not well known in the US, as American medicine is more inclined toward using drugs for this purpose rather than a naturally derived substance.
It's effects come from it's ability to inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol, but it does not suppress the HMG-CoA reductase enzyme responsible for making cholesterol. The exact mechanism of it's action isn't yet known. It has not been shown to be toxic even at very high dosages in experimental animals.
Typical standard dosages for people range from 5-20 milligrams per day.
Benefits of policosanol
Here are some of the positive things that policosanol does for your health:
  • It can lowers cholesterol naturally without side effects
  • Helps prevent formation of artery lesions
  • Can lower LDL cholesterol up to 20%
  • Can raise HDL cholesterol up to 10%
  • Inhibits the oxidation of LDL
  • Prevents proliferation of cells that can block arteries
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots
  • Increases aerobic capacity and oxygen uptake in heart patients
Polycosanol seems to have a positive effect on an enzyme called AMP-kinase. This enzyme is critical for normal metabolism in the body. It is thought that this effect on AMP kinase somehow modulates cholesterol synthesis in the body in a positive way.
Policosanol also promotes healthy circulation, arterial health, and normal platelet function. It also has a beneficial effect on oxygen utilization and improves circulation in the legs.
Policosanol side effects
We know about the benefits of polycosanol but what about side effects?
The scientific evidence gathered about the use of policosanol in research studies is that there are almost no policosanol side effects. This is mainly because it does not have the toxicity of drugs like statins.
In clinical research trials policosanol showed less side effects that the placebo! Rats given over 1700 times the normal human dose showed NO toxic side effects. Policosanol does not interfere with the metabolism of drugs either because it does not effect the cytochrome p450 system in the liver.
The benefits of policosanol make it a viable choice to lower cholesterol naturally. It's lack of toxicity, and it's beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system would seem to make it a better, safer, choice than drugs for promoting healthy cholesterol levels.

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