Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Brain Tumor Symptoms

The symptoms of brain tumor vary from patient to patient, and most of these symptoms can also be found in people without brain tumors. So the only way to know if you really have a brain tumor or not is to consult your doctor and get a brain scan.
Headache is the symptom that is common with 46% of patients with tumors. They described this headache in a different way and no reason is a sure sign of a brain tumor for many. Perhaps most people have headaches at some point in their lives, so it is not sure sign of brain tumors. You should talk to your doctor if your headaches are different than you've ever had, with nausea / vomiting, aggravated by bending or effort to go to the bathroom.
Seizures: This was the second most common symptom reported, with 33% of patients reporting a seizure before the diagnosis was made. Seizures can be caused by other things, such high fever, as epilepsy, stroke, trauma and other disorders. This is a symptom that should never be ignored, whatever the cause. In a person who has never had a seizure before, it usually indicates something serious and you should get a brain scan.
A crisis is a sudden and involuntary change in behavior, muscle control, consciousness, and / or sensation. Symptoms can vary from attack and sudden loss of consciousness total agitation of the violent shaking or slight shaking of a limb. A person can experience blurred vision, slurred speech or staring into space and doing other odd behaviors, while having a seizure. About 10% of United States population will experience a single seizure in their lives.
Nausea and Vomiting: As with headaches, these are non-specific - meaning that most people who have nausea and vomiting do not have a brain tumor. Twenty-two percent of our respondents said nausea / vomiting as a symptom.
Nausea and / or vomiting are more likely to look for a brain tumor which is accompanied by other symptoms mentioned here.
Vision problems or hearing: Twenty-five percent reported vision problems first. It is not easy if you have a problem with your hearing or sight, to be extracted. I have often heard that the eye doctor is the first to make diagnoses. When you look in your eyes, sometimes you can see the signs more. Intracranial pressure, because it must be studied.
Problems with the weakness of the arms, legs and facial muscles, and strange sensations in the head or hands: Twenty-five percent reported weakness in the arms or legs. Sixteen percent expressed feelings of weird and strange sensations in there head. This can lead to an altered gait, falling objects, falls, or asymmetric facial expression. These can be symptoms of a stroke. Sudden onset of symptoms is an emergency - you should go to medical emergencies. If you notice a gradual change over time, you should know.

Brain Cancer Survival Rate - Dare to Know Your Chances

A brain cancer survival rate refers to the percentage of people who were reported still living after being diagnosed with the cancer about 5 yrs ago.
Basically, brain tumor is the abnormal growth of cells in the brain and we commonly refer to it as cancer cells. There are different ways in which a tumor may spread. One is that it can be a cause of the spread of cancerous cells originating from another body part or the cancer cells are really coming from the brain itself.
It is true that exposure to harmful chemicals leads to abnormal growth of brain tumor. It was statistically confirmed that about 80% of brain cancer patients are suffering from oligodendroglioma.
Cancer of the brain remains one of the most incurable cancers with an average survival period of one to two years.
Factors Affecting Survival
A five-year brain cancer survival rate may be influenced by several factors including the size of the tumor, at which part of the brain, the severity of the cancer and the stage. In most occasions, the general health of the patient is also an indicative factor of survival.
How do you calculate the rate of survival?
Survival statistics are based on a large number of people, and should not be used to predict the survival of an individual or patient. reported that children at the age of 14 have around 73 percent chance of surviving cancer of the brain and live until five years of more, while the rate drops to 55 percent with young adults between 15 and 44. Middle-aged patients between 45 and 64 have a rate of 16 percent, and older people have a survival rate of only 5 percent.
Other facts
Statistical facts show that with the proper combination and usage of radiotherapy and chemotherapeutic drugs, the lives of those with brain cancer may be prolonged. In some patients, the quality of live may even be improved but there are those who easily give up and were not luckily able to live more than 2 years.
The brain cancer survival rate presented here is based on a relative result. The total 5-year brain cancer survival rate from the years 1995-2001 was more than 33%. The relative survival rates at 5 years for brain cancer by race and sex were:
• 32.1 percent of Caucasian men
• 37.7 percent for African-American men
• 33.5 percent of Caucasian women
• 37.5 percent for African-American women.
Brain cancer survival rate statistics reveals that about 85% of physical disorders were affected by the negative mental and emotional stress at the fourth/metastatic stage of the disease.
Many patients could attest to the fact that negative emotion and mental stress weaken the immune system despite the fact that there is no such direct connection between negative emotion and cancer, medically speaking. This is one thing we should remember when dealing with patients suffering from cancer, in general.

What Is an Oligodendroglioma?

At the age of 6, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It is most commonly found in adults, so perhaps that means I am mature, but likely it only indicates a lack of fortune.
Oligodendroglioma is a type of tumor that is thought to originate the oligodendrocytes in the brain. Most of the time oligodendrogliomas occur in adults; only four percent of them occur in children. On average, patients diagnosed with them are about 35 years old.
Oligodendrogliomas originate from an unknown source at this time. Some studies have shown a link to a viral cause while others have found a genetic cause. More than likely, both are causes.
There is no way to tell if a tumor is an oligodendroglioma aside from taking a biopsy. They often take a shape similar to a fried egg and sort of wrap around healthy cells. This can lead to headaches, dizziness, and seizures. Since oligodendrogliomas can occur anywhere in the brain, they can ultimately have a number of different symptoms associated with them. For instance, visual loss, motor problems, and even cognitive difficulties can result depending on the location of the tumor.
Many experts believe that oligodendrogliomas are ultimately incurable. They tend to be slow growing and are difficult to remove completely and so recurrence is almost certain. Depending on the "grade" of the tumor, victims typically live anywhere from 3-12 years (although I have made it almost 30). Of course this range is only semi-accurate as severity of the tumor, type of treatment, general health at the time of diagnosis, etc., all have a significant impact on the survival rate of oligodendrogliomas and any type of cancer for that matter.
There are a number of different approaches to dealing with oligodendrogliomas including:
1. Surgery- obviously one way to remove any tumor is to surgically excise it. This may be a particularly important approach when the tumor is directly affecting particular brain structures.
2. Radiation therapy- this may be done in addition to surgery or as a standalone treatment to destroy the tumor cells. However, it can also damage healthy tissue.
3. Chemotherapy- this is a natural approach to any tumor because it can be effective at killing off tumor cells, but it often also brings harsh side effects.
4. Stereotactic Surgery- this is a relatively recent approach that allows doctors to "target" cells three dimensionally and essentially "shoot" them with radiation. That way only the bad cells are affected, unlike with radiation.

What Is Mesothelioma? Types and Treatment Options

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which affects the mesothelium. The mesothelium is a thin membrane which covers the heart, lungs and other internal organs. You normally get this disease from being exposed to asbestos fibers at some point in your life.
Types of mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form is pleural mesothelioma which develops within the mesothelium. Pleural mesothelioma will develop in the pleural membrane which is the lungs lining.
Breathing in asbestos fibers is the cause of pleural mesothelioma. Upon entering the lungs, the asbestos fibers will work their way into the lungs pleural membrane. Once in there, the body will find it almost impossible to get rid of them. Over a period of several decades, the asbestos fibers will cause the pleural cells to change. These changes may lead to the lungs becoming scarred and, eventually, tumors forming.
Once the cells of the pleural membrane turn cancerous, they will continuously divide, leading to a reduction in lung capacity and causing fluid to buildup between the layers of the pleural membrane.
Because pleural mesothelioma is usually not caught until the later stages of the disease, the prognosis for the patient is normally poor. But, if the disease is caught in the early stages, then the patient's prognosis as well as the life expectancy will be much improved.
Peritoneal mesothelioma
Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma - this is a very rare form of cancer which strikes the peritoneum (the cell walls surrounding the abdominal cavity. The peritoneum lubricates the abdominal cavity which allows the surrounding internal organs and body structures to expand and contract. Peritoneal mesothelioma is very rare with fewer than 500 people contracting this form of cancer each year.
Several decades after asbestos fibers are breathed in or ingested; cancer will develop in the patient's abdomen. Modern tests can diagnose whether or not a patient has peritoneal mesothelioma. Despite the fact that it is not usually diagnosed until it is in the later stages, there are still some treatment options.
Although some patients may qualify for surgery and other curative treatment options, other patients may simply choose palliative measures. Most patients with peritoneal mesothelioma survive for less than a year. However, with the proper treatment, life expectancy could increase. A mesothelioma specialist can help patients find the best treatment options for their cancer, which might improve the patient's prognosis.
According to some studies, the average life expectancy of a man diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma is 7 months, although a few men have survived for almost 100 months. Women usually survive for approximately 9 months after being diagnosed, with a few women surviving for a maximum of 49 months. Patients whose mesothelioma was caught early and with less severe symptoms naturally have a better prognosis.
Mesothelioma treatment options
When it comes to treating cancer, doctors focus on killing the malignant cells and saving the healthy ones. There are several ways to do this.
Doctors will utilize chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation or a combination of all three as the most effective way to treat mesothelioma. The treatment that will be recommended is dependent on several issues:
The type and location of the mesothelioma
How big are the tumors?
How much the cancer has metastasized?
What stage the cancer is in.
The patient's age
The patient's overall health
Several types of doctors will be involved in treating the cancer such as an oncologist or cancer specialist, a radiologist, and a pulmonologist or lung specialist. It can take time to figure out the precise location and variety of the cancer, but determining these factors will enable the oncologist to prescribe the most effective mesothelioma treatment.

Should Chest CT Be Used to Screen for Lung Cancer?

Lung malignancy is the #1 cause of cancer death in the United States. In 2011, approximately 221,130 patients (115,060 men and 106,070 women) are estimated to be diagnosed with this malignancy. An estimated 156,940 people (85,600 men and 71,340 women) will die of this disease this year. Although cigarette use has decreased, we still have in America about 94 million current or former smokers who are at increased risk of developing lung tumors.
In the past, screening high risk but asymptomatic smokers has been ineffective with chest x-ray, with or without sputum cytology. However, a new study from The National Lung Screening Trial Research Team shows that screening with low dose chest CT reduces lung tumor death by 20%, in comparison to screening with chest x-ray alone (New England Journal of Medicine, volume 365, pages 395-409, August 4, 2011). This clinical trial took place in 33 medical centers in the United States, and is funded by the National Cancer Institute.
To qualify for enrollment, the patients must have a 30 pack-year smoking history. About seven million people in the United States are in this category. For this clinical trial, 53,454 patients were enrolled between 2002 and 2004, and followed until 2009. The people were randomly assigned to chest CT or chest x-ray performed once yearly for three years. Lung tumor was discovered in 645 cases per 100,000 person-years in the CT group, in comparison to 572 in the chest x-ray group. There were 247 lung cancer deaths per 100,000 person-years in the CT group, versus 309 in the chest x-ray group. This calculates to a 20% reduction in mortality.
The bad news is that 96.4% of the abnormal chest CT findings turned out to be benign, meaning false positives. In other words, an abnormality on the CT translates into a cancer diagnosis in only 3.6% of the time. This means that many of these patients had more radiological tests done, tests that are in retrospect "unnecessary". Some people underwent needle biopsies, bronchoscopy and/or chest surgeries in order to determine whether they have a lung tumor or not. Some of these cases resulted in complications (and even deaths), as expected of invasive procedures in the chest. The group that underwent screening with chest x-rays also experienced the same problem, as 94.5% of the abnormal chest x-ray findings also turned out to be benign.
Due to this high level of false positives, chest CT is currently not yet widely recommended for routine screening for lung cancer in the asymptomatic population at large. Certainly, if you are a current or past smoker and you have any chest symptoms (cough, pain, shortness of breath, hoarseness, wheezing, fatigue, weight loss, etc.), then you should go see a health care professional, who may determine that workup with chest x-ray and chest CT is warranted.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

How Arm Lift Surgery Is Performed

Weight fluctuations, effects of aging, and even heredity can cause your upper arm skin to become loose and flabby. An arm lift, otherwise known as brachioplasty, is the procedure to consider when you want to remove the excess skin and fat deposits in your upper arm area. One of the first questions that might come to your mind is how arm lift surgery is performed. Well, this is very important to know, before going ahead with the procedure. Be sure to discuss with your plastic surgeon how arm lift is performed and what the options available today for performing the procedure are.
Restore a More Youthful Arm Contour
Arm lift surgery has become increasingly popular over the last couple of decades, with many people resorting to it to achieve their cosmetic goals. The new and improved methods have made it safe to perform arm tuck procedure. A liposuction is all that is needed for people having excess fat with minimal skin excess and good skin elasticity. More often, the surgeon may recommend an upper arm lift/arm tuck as a way to reshape the under portion of the upper arm, from the underarm region to the elbow. The procedure involves removing excess sagging skin, and tightening the underlying supportive tissue, thus restoring a more youthful arm contour.
Arm tuck surgery can:
• Get rid of excess arm fat in the upper arm region
• Reduce excess sagging skin
• Tighten the underlying supportive tissue
How Is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?
Leading plastic surgeons perform brachioplasty using advanced fat elimination and sculpting technologies. One of the advanced devices used is BodyTite. Currently awaiting FDA clearance, BodyTite body contouring device is highly effective for ensuring successful fat removal along with skin tightening results. The device utilizes a hand piece to deliver radiofrequency energy to the adipose tissue and skin. Utilizing radiofrequency energy, the device liquefies fat and tightens skin. Radiofrequency energy passes from an internal electrode to an external electrode in the device, coagulating adipose, fibrous, and vascular tissue and heating the entire soft-tissue matrix.
The procedure is minimally invasive and is performed after administering local anesthesia. Only small incisions are required; therefore the scarring will be minimal.
An Overview of BodyTite™ Advantages
• Local anesthesia
• Reduced recovery time
• Minimal scarring
• Minimal discomfort
• Outpatient procedure
• Virtually painless
If you're considering undergoing arm lift surgery, schedule a consultation with one of the leading plastic surgeons in your area. Your surgeon would, after evaluating your medical condition and other relevant details, inform you whether you are a candidate for arm lift surgery.

Controversial Causes of Autism

While the definition of Autism is basically clear, the causes aren't. Autism is a developmental disorder that starts either at birth or during the first years of childhood. Treating Autism is crucial in order for a child to develop the ability to interact normally with other people. Autism is about 20 times more common than experts initially thought that it was. However, there is no clear consensus among them about the actual cause(s) of Autism. That said, there are various (debatable) theories about what causes the disorder. Here are some of them:
1. Genes
It is unquestionable that genetics is a major factor of Autism. However, the composition of the genes that result in Autism is quite complex, and medical researchers aren't 100% certain about which genes result in the disorder. Recently, scientists uncovered the first important connection between Autism and a person's DNA. The study involved about 1,000 autistic people, and 1,200 non-autistic people. It revealed that autistic children typically have about 20% more Copy Number Variations (CNVs) in their DNA makeup, than non-autistic children do. This discovery could result in the improved diagnosis and treatment of Autism. For example, by understanding how the nervous systems of autistic children develop differently than usual, the hope is that new and better treatments will be available for them. While this new development in promising, researchers admit that they'll need several more years to understand fully the link between CNVs and Autism.
2. Joint Attention
This involves a person's using gazes or pointing gestures when observing a particular object or event. It's important to note that different Joint Attention behaviors are observed in different children with Autism. One theory is that autistic children use Joint Attention as often as non-autistic children do, although via different methods.
3. Mental Retardation
Another controversy involving the causes of Autism are related to mental retardation. A commonly held belief is that the majority of autistic people are also meet the clinical definition of mental retardation. However, that perception is somewhat questionable. Studies show that the percentage of autistic people who are mentally retarded can range from about one-fourth or three-fourths. The reason for the large variance is due to the challenge of evaluating the intelligence of people with Autism. Some experts suggest that standard intelligence tests are heavily language-based, and that those tests that evaluate one's ability for abstract reasoning are better at gauging the intelligence of autistic individuals.
4. Vaccines
There is some strong clinical evidence indicating that vaccines could be one of the primary factors that have caused rates of Autism to increase 1000% in the USA since the year 1990. For example, a study in the USA indicated that children who received a particular type of vaccine (with a preservative called thimerosal that's extremely high in mercury) were about 200% more likely to develop Autism, than children who didn't receive the vaccine. Thimerosal has also been linked to learning disabilities that have resulted from Autism. Many researchers also point out the number of vaccines for children has increased significantly during recent decades. They note that certain substances in them could be having an adverse impact on a child's immune system, thus resulting in higher rates of disorders such as Autism.

Only Good Cholesterol Diets Lower Cholesterol

The idea is to stop eating those foods that increase cholesterol and only eat those foods that dismantle, mop up and expel bad cholesterol from the body. Only good cholesterol diets lower cholesterol.
Foods that are rich in saturated fats, trans-fats, sugars, salt and white flour are the foods that increase these cholesterol deposits in the bloodstream. These deposits then attach themselves to the walls of the blood vessels causing dangerous blockages to occur.
Foods that are rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, cereals, ground provision, peas and beans - these foods have the ability to neutralize the effect of bad cholesterol by absorbing or mopping up these fats and trans-fats, build strength in the walls of the blood vessels to protect from further erosion.
Low cholesterol foods also have low calorific value and also aid in any weight loss program. They are rich in vitamins and minerals which are vital for the proper functioning of the body. These foods also reduce the risk of cancer, high blood pressure and because of its anti-arteriosclerotic activity they reduce the risk of heart disease.
There is a great debate going as to whether lean meat is a source of good cholesterol. Some people say that such meats as chicken, turkey, fish, lean red meat, are sources of low cholesterol and they contain much essential minerals, proteins, vitamins and micronutrients that are good for efficient metabolism. The problem with meat today is that it is filled with hormones and in the case of fish, mercury toxins. Meat is not low in calorific value and over time makes one obese. The obesity problem in America is mainly due to the consumption of meat.
Here then is a sample of a diet for low cholesterol which you can use for breakfast lunch and dinner:-
Breakfast - Soy milk, oat bran cereal with fruit and almonds, oat meal bread, olive oil.
Lunch - Soy cold cuts, oat bran bread, bean soup and fruit
Dinner - Stir-fry vegetables, fruit, nuts.
This type of diet will ensure low cholesterol if followed over time. Also of great importance is the consumption of large quantities of pure water and a daily exercise program.
The following are some more general guidelines that will serve one in good stead:-
  1. As a general rule you should eat more foods that increase the level of good cholesterol such as garlic, fruits and vegetables, whole grain foods and fibrous foods,
  2. If you are a fish eater, eat those fatty fishes because of their omega-3 fatty acid content. These are mackerel, salmon, herring and tuna fish.
  3. Your good cholesterol foods must be rich in antioxidants and nutrients - vitamin C, beta carotene (vitamin A), vitamin E and selenium. All fresh fruit, dried fruit and vegetables will supply these.
  4. Consume 2-3 liters of pure water daily. This will flush out toxins and remove bad cholesterol.
  5. Consumption of saturated fats in the form of animal fats should be avoided. These contain lots of bad cholesterol. If this is to be consumed, it should be with fibers and water,
  6. Increase your intake of unsaturated fats such as olive oil, almonds, nuts and unrefined vegetable oils. These prevent cardiovascular diseases and some kinds of cancers,
  7. Decrease or eliminate the use of foods that decrease the level of good cholesterol such as margarines, butter and sunflower oil. Replace with white vinegar, olive oil and canola oil,
  8. If you are to consume alcohol, limit it to two glasses of wine or beer a day. These are particularly rich in antioxidants and help in the production of good cholesterol.
All this advice should confirmed with your health professional before embarking on same.

Rheumatic Heart Disease Alert

Definition of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RO)
Rheumatic heart disease is a disease where it can damage the heart valves, such as leaks or strictures, particularly mitral valve (mitral stenosis) caused by rheumatic fever. This disease is very dangerous because it caused the valves of the heart valve in the course of the disease process that begins with a throat injury.
Rheumatic fever is a systemic disease itself, which can cause acute, subacute, chronic or fulminant, leading to infection of group A beta-hemolytic streptococci in the upper respiratory tract. Rheumatic fever is characterized by prolonged fever, palpitations, sometimes tired. In general, attacks of this disease at the age of 5-15 years, the disease is rarely seen in children under the age of 4 years and over 50 years.
Symptoms of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RO)
In general, shortness of breath experienced patients are caused by heart problems already in motion, pain in joints, reddish spots on the skin, the hand movements, irregular and uncontrollable. In addition, a sign that accompanies neyi also on the abdomen, weight loss, rapid fatigue and fever.
Diagnosis of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RO)
Besides the presence of signs and symptoms that appear directly on the physical, the doctor will usually perform some lab tests that indicate, for example, routine blood tests, Asto, CRP and throat culture. The most accurate survey is echocardiography do to see the status of valves and heart muscle
Treatment of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RO)
If the diagnosis is established by rheumatic heart disease and persistent infection with streptococcus bacteria, but the main thing is that comes from the team doctor gave antibiotics and anti-inflammatory. For example, the provision of oral antibiotics penicillin and benzathine penicillin G. In patients who are allergic to other medicines, there is another alternative, erythromycin or cephalosporin group. While anti-inflammatories are usually cortisone and aspirin. Patients are encouraged to think rest is in a hospital bed, next to the medical team on how to deal with the likelihood of complications such as heart failure, bacterial endocarditis or thromboembolism Trombo.
Rheumatic heart patients (PJR) without symptoms require no treatment. Patients with mild symptoms of heart failure, medical treatment to address his complaint. Symptomatic patients who require invasive treatment or intervention surgical. But surgical and intervention therapy is still limited and the cost is relatively expensive and require long-term follow-up.
Prevention of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RO)
When we see above that Cor is lung might occur in the presence of a triggering event, rheumatic fever (CD), of course, the best prevention, as we do not get rheumatic fever (CD) (Streptococcusbeta hemolytic infections is).
Can see that there are several factors that support a person develops the germ, including environmental factors such as poor living conditions, crowded living conditions and poor access to medical care is a major determinant of the distribution of this disease. Weather variations occur have a significant role in the pathogenesis of strep DR.
A person who is infected with streptococcus bacteria and rheumatic fever should be given with antibiotics. This is to prevent possible attacks a second time or even lead to rheumatic heart disease.

A Holistic Approach to Depression and Anxiety

If you have depression and/or anxiety, in addition to conventional medical treatment, consider major changes to your diet and vitamin, trace mineral and herbal supplements. You may have vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Avoid processed, packaged and junk foods. Processed, packaged and junk foods are filled with sugar (primarily high fructose corn syrup), chemicals and toxins. They do not have much fiber or nutrients in them. Avoid soda and artificial fruit drinks. Soda and artificial fruit drinks contain a lot of sugar and toxins that can damage the brain. Also, artificial sweeteners in processed foods and drinks contain chemical sweeteners that are toxic to the brain.
We are bombarding our brains with toxins in our food. At the same time, we are starving our brains of nutrients (vitamins and minerals) because of the food we eat and the beverages we drink. Our energy is being drained by these foods and drinks.
For healthy brains, we need a lot of nutrients (vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants). We need to hydrate ourselves with pure, filtered water (not soda and artificial fruit drinks). This is achieved through a high nutrient diet and through large doses of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. A high nutrient diet primarily consists of fresh, non-starchy vegetables, some starchy vegetables and some fruit, berries, nuts and seeds) and some whole grains. Fresh vegetables, fruit, berries, nuts and seeds and whole grains have the fiber our bodies need as well. Some protein is fine, but should be limited. At least 80% of your diet should consist of vegetables, fruit, berries, nuts and seeds. You can get protein from beans, legumes, eggs, fish and lean meat. But, limit your intake of protein and red meat. For starch, eat whole grains, whole potatoes and whole yams along with whole grain pasta, because they contain nutrients.
Fresh, whole, organic vegetables are best because they contain the maximum amount of nutrients in them. They contain the minimum amount of toxins in them. But, fresh non-organic whole vegetables and whole (non-processed) frozen vegetables are better than processed, packaged and junk foods. Avoid genetically modified foods.
Substantially reduce refined sugar and starch in your diet (such as white bread, white rice, white pasta and chips). Substantially reduce fat in your diet - especially poly unsaturated and hydrogenated fats such as vegetable, corn and safflower oil and margarine. Use natural fats such as olive oil and butter. But, go light on olive oil and dairy products such as butter and cheese because they have a high caloric content.
A raw diet is best. Raw, fresh vegetables, fruit, berries, nuts and seeds contain the most nutrients. But, if you wish to cook your food, lightly cook it. This will preserve many of the nutrients in them. Steam them lightly. Boil, bake and grill them lightly. Limit your consumption of processed sauces and condiments. They contain a lot of high fructose corn syrup, salt and toxins.
Some of the best vegetables with a lot of vitamins and minerals in them include green leafy vegetables (such as spinach and kale), broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, asparagus, avocados, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, yams, cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, string beans, lima beans, peppers, artichokes and root vegetables (such as beets, parsnips and turnips). Eat plenty of garlic and onions. Eat berries especially blueberries and strawberries. Eat fruit, especially apples, bananas, grapes, peaches, plums, pears and melons. Super foods such as pomegranates and acai and goji berries are also good. Eat nuts. Almonds and walnuts are especially healthful. Seeds are very healthy too.
Supplement your high nutrient diet with vitamins, minerals and other supplements. A multi-vitamin is good, but it not enough to give you the vitamins and minerals you need for good health even if you are on a high nutrient diet. This is because the nutritional value of fresh and frozen vegetables, fruits and berries has been depleted. This is due to depletion of nutrients in the soil.
So, on a daily basis, take a multi vitamin, but fortify it with additional vitamins and supplements including vitamin A, B-Complex (B-6 and B-12 and Folic Acid and Niacin especially), C, D (D3 especially), E and K Take trace minerals daily. You can get trace minerals in liquid form. Some of the essential trace minerals include iron, zinc, manganese, potassium, magnesium, copper, iodine, selenium, molybdenum, chromium, calcium, sulfur, cobalt, nickel, boron, beryllium, sodium, copper, tin, silicon, vanadium, fluorine. Get lots of sunshine on your face, forehead and arms.
Also, on a daily basis, take (i) Antioxidants (CoQ10, green tea and green tea extract and Resveratrol are good), (ii) Adatogens (such as cordyceps, reishi and shitaki mushrooms), Asrtalagus and Tumeric (Curcurim), (iii) anti inflammatory supplements such as fish oil and (iv) protein/amino acid supplements. When your energy is low, take Echinacea and Aasian Ginseng, Astalagus and Asian Mushrooms and Asian Mushroom supplements (i..e, reishi, cordyceps and shitaki mushrooms). When you feel anxious, take Holy Basil and Kava Kava. When you feel depressed, take St. John's Wort.
Vitamin B-12, D, Co-Q 10 and Astralagus are especially important for depression and anxiety
Drink plenty of water. Some prescribe at least eight, eight ounce glasses of water per day. Filter your water, because tap water contains chemicals. Get plenty of exercise. At the very least, walk two to three miles a day. When you are sitting for long periods, stretch your legs and body and get up and move around or exercise. Breathe more deeply and take a lot more deep breaths to draw the maximum amount of oxygen into your lungs.
To maximize absorption of nutrients, it is important to be in a relaxed and balanced state. This will require you to manage stress, center yourself and purge anger, fear and negativity, while living in the moment and controlling negative thoughts. This is done through deep breathing, centering yourself in your heart, reiki treatments along with meditation and yoga. My books, End of Mood Disorders, The Road to Happiness and The Road to Healing, Good Health and Wellness will teach you the techniques needed to develop inner peace, peace of mind and joy. The books are comprehensive guides that approach depression and anxiety as energy and spiritual disorders as well as mental illnesses and problems with brain chemistry. My books recommend to readers energy-related, positive thinking, meditation and spiritual techniques to achieve and maintain peace of mind, balance, a lot of energy and happiness.

How to Identify Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome, more commonly known as CFS, is a complex disorder that is characterized by long-term fatigue that is not relieved by rest. It is usually worsened by physical or even mental activity. CFS can significantly lower a person's level of activity, affecting even their activities of daily living. A lot people with CFS have difficulty securing jobs or even with just taking care of themselves. Even if the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome are still unidentified, there is a lot we can do for people who suffer from this condition.
Many diseases have fatigue as one of its symptoms which can make identifying chronic fatigue syndrome difficult. However, it is not impossible. If you or someone you know meets the two criteria below, see your physician immediately so you can get medical care. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the criteria for diagnosing the disorder are:
1. Severe or intense fatigue that lasts for more than 6 months, is not relieved or improved by rest and is not caused by any psychiatric or medical condition as excluded by clinical diagnosis; and
2. Simultaneously have at least four of the following: frequent or recurring sore throat, muscle pain, multi-joint pain that doesn't have redness or swelling, tender lymph nodes on the axilla or cervical collar, headaches that are you have not had before in terms of pattern, type or severity, sleep that does not refresh or reenergize you, post-extertional malaise (exhaustion and sickness that follows mental or physical activity) that lasts for at least 24 hours, and impaired concentration or memory.
In order for a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome to be made, the above symptoms should have occurred for more than six months, but should not occur before the onset of the chronic fatigue. Even if you do not meet the criteria, but still suffer from chronic fatigue, it is still suggested that you go see a doctor. As mentioned, there are several diseases that could cause this fatigue.
There are other symptoms of CFS as well. While they may not contribute to the diagnosis, they are still very troublesome and deserve medical care. These symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, abdominal pain, chronic cough, alcohol intolerance, bloating, earache, jaw pain, dry eyes, dry mouth, nausea, morning stiffness, alcohol intolerance, night swears, irritability, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, tingling sensations and weight loss.
If you know someone that has CFS, now is the time to show him support and help him out any way you can. Even cooking, doing a few errands, helping out with house chores or helping them relax can be very helpful. Even the simplest acts do matter.
There is still no cure for chronic fatigue syndrome, and its management require that the patient should be monitored frequently by health care professionals. An individualized treatment program is needed because the condition can have varying symptoms. Both traditional and alternative therapies that target the symptoms, coping techniques and activity management can be used. There are several treatment options that can be explored, but remember that the relief of symptoms is always the primary goal.

Fibromyalgia - Treating the Symptoms Naturally

What is Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia's primary symptom is the presence of chronic, dull muscular pain in the muscles, usually above the waist though it can occur anywhere in the body. In addition, these painful areas are sensitive to touch, where even slight pressure can trigger acute pain.
A number of symptoms often go along with fibromyalgia, the most notable being fatigue. In addition, someone with fibromyalgia may suffer from anxiety, depression, headaches, TMJ, memory issues and irritable bowel syndrome.
The cause of fibromyalgia is so far unknown. Some suspect there may be an autoimmune factor involved, though no evidence has shown this yet. There is a correlation with hormonal and neurotransmitter changes in the body, and it is suspected that people with fibromyalgia have an increase in the neurotransmitters that signal pain in the body, leaving a person hypersensitive to pain.
While fibromyalgia often comes on without any specific reason, it can be triggered by physical trauma, infection, or psychological stress. There is reason to suspect that underlying factors may be involved in fibromyalgia, including long term buildup of stress or tension, fatigue, or unaddressed mental/emotional issues.
Treating Fibromyalgia
The exact cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, which makes it a difficult condition to successfully treat. Conventional medicine focuses on treating the symptoms with pain relievers, anti-depressants, or anti-seizure medications, which can help improve some of the symptoms but rarely offer full recovery from the condition.
Because of this, it is important to take an active role in successfully dealing with fibromyalgia. Basic things you can do independently to decrease symptoms include:
  • Exercise and stretching: Both of these activities may make the pain worse at first, but over time, strengthening and stretching the affected muscles can help relieve tension and decrease their sensitivity to pain. It is important to start slowly, and not push your muscles too far, as pain from any sort of muscular damage will compound the pain.
  • Sleep: People with fibromyalgia may have a difficult time getting restful sleep, and find that even though they are sleeping a lot, they may not feel rested in the morning. Still, it is important to get enough sleep as this is the body's chance to replenish its energy and is a natural part of the recovery process.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: There is a correlation between worsening symptoms of fibromyalgia and being overweight. Eating a healthy diet, and avoiding eating triggered by stress or depression can help improve the overall health of your body and reduce pain.
Stress is also a well-known factor that is correlated with fibromyalgia. People with the condition will often find that their pain and other symptoms worsen during times of increased stress, and improve when life is going more smoothly.
For this reason, dealing with stress on a day-to-day basis can be a great way to help reduce the pain of fibromyalgia. While it isn't possible to completely get rid of stress, you can do some simple things to make it easier to relax throughout the day. Taking breaks from stressful situations like work or home responsibilities, going for a walk, taking some time for yourself, remembering to breathe, doing something you enjoy - these or anything else you come up with to relax and reduce stress will go a long way in improving fibromyalgia if done on a regular basis. It is easy for stress to compound itself if left unchecked - this is something to avoid.
Potential Mind-Body Connection in Fibromyalgia
It is possible that at least in part, the cause of fibromyalgia is related to suppressed anger. It is already well known that unexpressed anger can lead to ongoing anxiety and depression, which are common symptoms that accompany fibromyalgia. Stress and tension are also symptoms related to frustration, and can consume a ton of energy which will increase fatigue. In addition, the difficulties in concentration, TMJ and digestive issues that are associated with fibromyalgia can also be related to suppressed anger.
Consider that fibromyalgia often comes on after traumatic physical or psychological experiences - this type of experience naturally will produce a feeling of anger, as in the question, "Why did this happen to me?" But there is a tendency to want to forget painful experiences, and mentally suppress the feelings associated with that experience, whether the experience is a one-time thing or an accumulation of difficult experiences in life.
In addition, fibromyalgia affects women more than men. That is not to say that women are naturally more predisposed to suppress anger than men, however society definitely does place more pressure not to be angry on women, than it does on men.
The symptom of pain may be representing the unexpressed anger being internalized and taken out on the physical body. If you are suffering from fibromyalgia and suspect this may relate to you, it is important to address the source of your anger so that it can be expressed and directed appropriately, rather than back toward yourself. Even deep-seated difficult or traumatic experiences can be moved on from, and are not meant to be your responsibility or a burden for you to carry throughout your life.
Natural Medicines and Treatments for Fibromyalgia
  • Adaptogens: These herbal medicines help strengthen the adrenal glands which are involved in improving energy, can improve certain neurotransmitter levels involved in mood, and can help reduce excess stress hormones like cortisol which can disrupt a number of the body's physical processes. Examples of these kinds of medicines are ginseng, eleutherococcus, holy basil, rhodiola, cordyceps, and ashwaghanda.
  • Massage: A massage tailored to your personal tolerance level can help reduce muscular tension and alleviate pain.
  • Acupuncture: Some people report a benefit from acupuncture, a Chinese medicinal practice involved in placing small needles along specific meridians, aimed at releasing blocked energy, improving circulation and other physical processes. While this type of treatment may not work for everyone, it is worth considering.
Fibromyalgia can be a very frustrating condition to deal with, but taking an active role in doing daily things for your health can help improve the symptoms over time. Addressing stress and other potential mental or emotional components that may be associated with the condition, as well as incorporating natural medicines or treatments can also be of help. With patience and consistency, it is possible to fully recover from fibromyalgia over time.

7 Home Remedies for Joint Pain Relief At Home

Living with chronic joint pain?
Many times in life, body pains as such may inevitably affect our living lifestyle and even cause inconvenience to our lives, as moving of joints is almost indispensable.
Basically the causes of joint pain can be triggered by various injuries and conditions besides aging. It may be a result of sports injury, excessive straining due to the overuse of joints, or even be one of the symptoms for arthritis. Hence it is important to understand your body well and detect the symptoms early as an average person may not be able tell if it's the joints or a torn tendon.
Here are a few remedies which can give you a better quality of life and may help to eliminate the consumption of painkillers as medications commonly prescribed for joint pain are usually pain killers and anti inflammatories:
1. Take a shower with warm water
It can effectively reduce your joint discomfort easily.
2. Consumption of banana
Bananas provide strength and grease to your joints, which may help in reducing the pain in joints suffering from pain.
3. Intake of carrot juice
It helps in improving the condition of joint stiffness by making our ligaments stronger.
4. Use hot and cold compresses on the painful areas of your joints
It will help in reducing your pain from the joint.
5. Joint Pain Exercises
Effective in resolving the problem of joint stiffness. Such workouts will help in improving your joint flexibility and also strengthens your bones.
6. Warm olive oil massage
It is a cost-saving solution and natural remedy for joint stiffness.
7. Mixture of carrot juice and lemon juice
This is one of the good home remedies to reduce joint pain.
Although there is no permanent cure for joint pain, but changing your lifestyle and taking good care of your body can yield positive results on a long run. Start keeping up to a weekly or daily exercising habit as workouts can effectively help in reducing the pain in the joints. Researches have shown that working your body with motion exercises will help to improve your mobility and keep your fitness levels up. While performing those exercises, be cautious with the movements and perform it with good control.
However, do not hesitate to seek for medical support if your joint pain still persists after trying out the suggested remedies. It is advisable to seek for professional treatment if your pain is giving you symptoms that can be interpreted into serious health issues.

Arthritis Pain Treatment - Does Exercise Really Help To Reduce Inflammation? Lets See!

Do you have Arthritis? Maybe too scared to exercise?
There are hundreds of arthritis pain treatment modalities that are available in the market today, and most of these are in the form of pharmacological agents or drugs. Pain relievers or analgesics are on top of the list and are often recommended by physicians to their client to ease the arthritis pain. There are also topical pain agents that can be applied over the swollen joint area to relieve the inflammation that causes the severe and throbbing pain. But Exercise is one of the best for the Pain!
However, with all these possible pain treatments widely available and easy to use, many sufferers of arthritis still face a problem in choosing which of these is the best to apply. It is a big problem indeed since there are lots of pain medications and books on alternative therapies being sold in the market today, which are being advertised to give a promising and satisfying result, but they do not prove much what they are claiming. People are getting confused about these products, because they do not know which of these is bogus and which one is not.
Exercise is the best medicine, but every time you try to strengthen your muscles you hurt your joints. What if you could strengthen your muscles without hurting your joints? Then your stronger muscles will help support your weaker joints and you have broken the cruel cycle of arthritis.
Arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions affects millions of people worldwide with over 4 million or almost 1 in 4 Canadians affected. Arthritis can occur in any joint, especially at the hands, knees, hips, or spine. Regular physical activity, a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight can help to prevent the onset of osteoarthritis.
Using a Personal Trainer is the perfect way to set up a exercise program that is designed especially for you. When you exercise with a Personal Trainer, they will implement proper technique and form so your joints remain still while you work on the muscles surrounding the joint. This is isometric and static exercise, which reduces joint pain and stiffness, builds strong muscle around the joints, and increases flexibility and endurance.
By training on a regular to moderate basis, this will help relieve pain in your joints and build muscle tissue. You can also prevent the onset of osteoarthritis and relieve your pain naturally.
Whether you are performing cardiovascular or resistance exercise overworking your muscles is dangerous and can greatly alter your peak performance.
Thankfully personal training has been designed to help assist you from muscle fatigue from resistance exercise and can help you recognise the early signs of dangers ahead. A Trainer displays your muscle strength from various training positions and by keeping track of this data can help alert you when there is a weakness in a muscle group. This in turn helps you to appropriately rest the muscle group.
Exercising should be fun and should not cause permanent injury if done properly. With a personal trainer you are more likely to maximize your performance and avoid over training your muscles which will benefit your overall health and well being, that is what I focus on in
Richard Stadnyk - Owner/Personal Trainer Specialist
Exercise is the best medicine, but every time you try to strengthen your muscles you hurt your joints. What if you could strengthen your muscles without hurting your joints? Receive a Free Personal Training session - Call or email today. Thank you.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The health benefits of phytochemicals

(NaturalNews) Phytonutrients, the chemicals that help plants defend against environmental challenges, such as damage from pests or ultraviolet light, appear to provide humans with protection as well. Mounting research shows their effectiveness in preventing and treating a range of conditions including everything from cancer and heart disease to diabetes and high blood pressure. But current law dictates that if anyone advertises health benefits without FDA approval, it is automatically considered an illegal health claim, even for everyday foods, such as walnuts.

Phytochemicals are thought to be responsible for much of the disease protection granted by diets high in fruits, vegetables, beans, cereals, and plant-based beverages such as tea and wine, according to a University of California, Davis report (

Although it has become widely accepted that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses, scientists have only recently begun researching the effects of the different phytonutrients those foods contain.

Previous evidence has come from observations of cultures that eat plant-based diets and have lower rates of certain types of cancer and heart disease. The relatively low rates of breast and endometrial cancers in some Asian cultures, for example, are credited partly to dietary habits. These cancers are much more common in the United States, possibly because the typical American diet is higher in fat and lower in fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains, according to American Cancer Society.

Many experts suggest that people can reduce their risk of cancer significantly by eating the foods that contain phytonutrients, according to American Cancer Society ( Evidence shows that they may work by helping to prevent the formation of potential carcinogens, blocking the action of carcinogens on their target organs or tissue, or acting on cells to suppress cancer development.

Research suggests that flavonoids, the most diverse group of phytochemicals, may be a key phytochemical group that contributes to the reduced mortality rates observed in people consuming high levels of plant-based foods, according to the UC Davis report. In the Zutphen Elderly Study, myocardial infarction was found to decrease as falvonoid intake increased. Similarly, the Seven Countries Study, which compared the diets of men living in various Western countries including the U.S., suggested that consumption of flavonoids was responsible for 25 percent of the observed difference in mortality rates in the different countries.

University of Minnesota Hormel Institute researchers say phytonutrients could be used in effective cancer prevention therapy, so much so that they eventually aim to develop phytochemical-derived anticancer drugs, Dr. Sigang Dong told The Austin Daily Herald (

"In the future, personalized prevention methods using photochemical could have a crucial role in cancer prevention, especially in high-risk populations," Dong said. "We will continue our rigorous research in identifying molecular targets and aim for conducting human studies with phytocehemicals - this would provide the path for an enhanced approach to personalized cancer prevention."

Magnesium Offers Strong Radiation Protection

(NaturalNews) One would not normally think that magnesium deficiency can increase the risk of cancer yet we will find that just as severe dehydration or asphyxiation can cause death, magnesium deficiency can lead directly to cancer. It is known that carcinogenesis induces magnesium distribution disturbances, causing magnesium mobilization through blood cells and magnesium depletion in non-neoplastic tissues. Magnesium deficiency is carcinogenic, and in the case of solid tumors, a high level of supplemented magnesium inhibits carcinogenesis.

Researchers from Japan's National Cancer Center in Tokyo have found that an increased intake of magnesium reduces a man's risk of colon cancer by over 50 percent. Several studies have shown an increased cancer rate in regions with low magnesium levels in soil and drinking water. In Egypt the cancer rate was only about 10 percent of that in Europe and America. In the rural fellah it was practically non-existent. The main difference was an extremely high magnesium intake of 2.5-3g in these cancer-free populations, ten times more than in most western countries.

For all of these reasons and a hundred more, magnesium oil remains the number one item in my cancer protocol and thus number one for radiation exposure. Magnesium is our first line of defense against both.
"In the years leading up to Chernobyl, some dairy farmers in Austria were using remineralization as a part of their operations. They added rock dust to liquid manure as well as combining it with compost, thereby removing odors and greatly increasing soil biota. As a result, cows had twice the normal lifespan and produced much more milk. Amazingly enough, after Chernobyl, the cheeses that were remineralized (as well as biodynamic cheeses) measured no radioactivity whatsoever. Austrians would stand in long lines in order to buy these safe, remineralized products," writes Joanna Campe.

Iodine is obviously not the only substance that we should run to in the face of increasing radiation threats. Magnesium is a vital mineral whose lack leaves us open to not only radioactive damages but also those from heavy metals and thousands of chemicals, which we are commonly exposed to. Mercury and now a long list of radioactive particles are floating in the environment like invisible clouds that have spread out everywhere. They are raining down on us, damaging and damning our future. We can no longer be passive about building our defenses against the toxic onslaught.

Without sufficient magnesium, the body accumulates toxins and acid residues, degenerates rapidly, and ages prematurely.

Just about everyone who is writing protocols for radiation toxicity is forgetting about the importance of magnesium salts. Worse still are governments and the entire institution of medicine that are purposely ignorant about magnesium, so they cannot possibly be trusted for valuable health and medical information that will help us in our time of dire need. The need was dire before Fukushima but they did not want to admit that; they let the public get obsessed with CO2 emissions and said nothing about the mercury. Now with radioactive nuclides steadily building up in the background, we are in trouble than any of us care to admit. Today the situation has gone nuclear and there has never before been a need so great for detoxification and chelation.

Magnesium is a crucial factor in the natural self-cleansing and detoxification responses of the body. Magnesium is also necessary for effective chelation. It stimulates the sodium potassium pump on the cell wall and this initiates the cleansing process in part because the sodium-potassium-ATPase pump regulates intracellular and extracellular potassium levels. The healthy cell wall favors intake of nutrients and elimination of waste products.

The involvement of free radicals in tissue injury induced by magnesium deficiency causes an accumulation of oxidative products in heart, liver, kidney, skeletal muscle tissues and in red blood cells, leaving them more vulnerable to oxidative stress caused by radiation exposure. Both radiation exposure and heavy metals produce oxidative stress through the creation of increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS -- oxygen free radicals, peroxides, and singlet oxygen). It is known that these increased levels of intracellular ROS are sufficient to trigger apoptosis (cell death).

Glutathione is Magnesium-Dependent

Glutathione protects the cells from oxidative-stress-induced apoptosis and glutathione levels are magnesium dependent! "Glutathione is a very important detoxifying agent, enabling the body to get rid of undesirable toxins and pollutants. It forms a soluble compound with the toxin that can then be excreted through the urine or the gut. The liver and kidneys contain high levels of glutathione as they have the greatest exposure to toxins. The lungs are also rich in glutathione partly for the same reason. Many cancer-producing chemicals, heavy metals, drug metabolites etc. are disposed of in this way," says Dr. Patricia Kongshavn, former professor, department of medicine at McGill University.

WHO panel warns that cell phone use may cause cancer

(NaturalNews) Scientists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a group affiliated with the World Health Organization (WHO), say that mobile phones are a "possible" carcinogen that may be a cause of cancer. The findings, which support previous research on the subject, add to the growing body of evidence which suggests that the electromagnetic radiation emitted from mobile phones causes serious health problems.

"A positive association has been observed between exposure to the agent and cancer for which a causal interpretation is considered ... to be credible," states the IARC. However, in the same train of thought, the agency claims that evidence is "limited" to suggest that mobile phone usage is linked to glioma or acoustic neuroma, two types of brain cancer.

In 2009, IARC published a study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology that linked mobile phone usage to an 18 percent increase in brain tumor risk. And because it was observed that such tumors tended to form on the sides of brains where mobile phones were primarily used, the connection between the two is even more striking (

Another report issued in 2010 by the International Electromagnetic Field Cooperative (IEFC) also found a link between mobile phone usage and increased rates of brain tumors. Included in this report is a Swedish study that found a 420 percent increase in brain cancer rates among children who began using mobile and cordless phones as teenagers, as opposed to those that did not (

With all of this research now available and the latest announcement from IARC, one would think more people would be concerned about the risks involved with the excessive use of mobile phones and looking for less-risky alternatives or using hands-free devices at the very least. But because the period between when a cancer patient is exposed to this radiation and when he or she develops tumors typically spans several decades, some experts claim that the link between the two is inconclusive and are content to tell the public there is really little to worry about.

Miracle herbal supplement proven to aid victims of cancer treatments

(NaturalNews) Big Pharma's drugs have failed miserably in helping female cancer survivors deal with quality of life problems that can linger for years after chemo and radiation treatments are finished. But now there's help on the horizon -- and it's all natural and appears to be free of side effects. Study results just presented at the 2011 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting in Chicago revealed a natural combination of nutrients and phytochemicals were healthy for female cancer survivors across the board with a wide variety of problems.

Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center scientists were looking for a way to help women cancer survivors who often suffer from sexual problems following their chemo and other mainstream medical therapies. So the researchers tested a natural nutritional supplement (which has been marketed for the last decade to boost all around well-being and balance hormones); the supplement had already been shown in a small study conducted at Stanford University to improve sexual function.

The Wake Forest research team conducted a double-blind, placebo controlled study and found the all-natural supplement didn't measurably improve sexual function in the cancer patients. But imagine the scientists' surprise when the results of the study were analyzed. They found the herbal/vitamin blend produced incredible results in other areas of the women's lives -- reducing pain, relieving insomnia, stopping nausea and boosting energy.

The Wake Forest research, funded by the National Cancer Institute, used a supplement sold as ArginMax for Women which is made from a proprietary blend of L-arginine, ginseng, ginkgo, and 14 vitamins and minerals. Many of these natural ingredients have long been used in traditional medicine to boost energy and circulation and optimize hormonal balance.

For the study, scientists at the Comprehensive Cancer Center at Wake Forest Baptist, the Derrick L. Davis Forsyth Regional Cancer Center, and multiple other cancer centers across the country recruited 186 female cancer survivors who were at least six months past their last treatment for any type of malignancy. The trial was strictly controlled so that neither the research subjects nor the investigators knew who was receiving the supplement and who was being given a placebo pill.

At the start of the study and again at four weeks, eight weeks and 12 weeks after taking the supplement or placebo, all the women completed two standardized questionnaires that measured sexual function and quality of life. Dubbed the FACT-G questionnaire, it measures overall quality of life and has been used in research of all cancer types to evaluate physical, emotional, social and functional well-being.

Amazingly, every single cancer survivor who took the herbal/vitamin supplement was found to have a dramatic boost in measures of overall quality of life.

"The group taking the supplements experienced significant improvement in overall quality of life, particularly physical well-being," Kathryn M. Greven, M.D., a radiation oncologist at Wake Forest Baptist and the lead investigator on the study, said in a statement to the media.

"Bothersome symptoms such as lack of energy, pain, nausea, and sleeplessness were all improved, as were measures of functional well-being, for example the ability to perform normal activities at home or work. Simply, they reported a greater enjoyment of life, without any additional side effects from the supplement."

Edward G. Shaw, M.D., M.A., an oncologist as well as counselor and principal investigator for Wake Forest Baptist's Community Clinical Oncology Program Research Base, was a co-researcher on the study. In the press statement, he noted that cancer survivors can suffer from persistent inflammation (also called chronic oxidative stress) for years after chemo, radiation and other mainstream medical cancer treatments. The result can be lingering fatigue that greatly reduces the quality of life. Dr. Shaw hypothesized that the herbal and vitamin ingredients in the supplement used for the study counteract this process.

"Beyond managing individual symptoms as they appear, the medical community has not been able to offer cancer patients more global symptom relief. This research is empowering for the community of cancer survivors," he noted. "It is very exciting that we've found something that has the potential to affect and improve quality of life for female cancer survivors."

Lessons Learned from Sun-Exposed Skin

Few studies have compared melanocyte densities in inhabitants of areas with different levels of solar exposure. These investigators analyzed the density of melanocytes in sun-exposed, nonlesional skin from patients (50 Florida residents and 50 Minnesota residents) who had undergone Mohs surgery for basal and squamous cell carcinomas. They examined melanocytic density, confluence, pagetoid spread, and growth along hair follicles in paraffin-fixed sections stained by hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) and Melan-A.
The two stains produced differing results: Mean melanocyte density per high-power field (HPF) was 9.3 with H&E and 12.0 with Melan-A. Melanocyte density was higher in Florida residents with H&E staining and in men with Melan-A staining; the number of melanocytes decreased with age in inhabitants of both states, particularly with Melan-A. Confluence was more common in Melan-A–stained sections (45%, vs. 24% with H&E). The researchers also examined these noncancerous specimens of sun-damaged skin for features characteristic of melanoma: Cytologic atypia appeared in 19%, follicular extension in 7%, pagetoid spread in 3%, and high confluence (3–8 melanocytes on the row) in 1%.
Comment: Often the pathologist needs to differentiate between increased densities of melanocytes in background solar-damaged skin and in the melanocytic lesion. This call is critical in lesions in sun-exposed, sensitive areas such as the head and neck, where melanocytes are more common than elsewhere on the body. Confluence, pagetoid spread, and growth along adnexal structures are also relevant for identifying melanocytic lesions. This study provides easy and reproducible rules for defining background (e.g., 9–14 melanocytes per HPF and growth along the hair <1 mm in depth). Comparison of skin at the periphery of large excisions in melanoma patients will be extremely valuable. A cautionary note for those who use Melan-A: Confluence can be misleadingly increased compared with basic H&E staining, especially in inflamed areas. Keeping this in mind will avoid overcalls.

Chemokines: Attractive Targets in the Sunburn Reaction

Injudicious exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation can cause very uncomfortable sunburns. Although several soluble mediators have been associated with the sunburn response in general, those responsible for pain have not been identified. To investigate this issue, researchers exposed 1-cm2 areas of forearm skin of 10 healthy volunteers to UVB radiation at 3 times the minimal erythemal dose.
In biopsy samples taken 40 hours after exposure — when sunburned sites had maximal hyperalgesia to mechanical and thermal stimuli — polymerase chain reaction (PCR) array analysis revealed elevated RNAs of a large number of molecules, including cyclooxygenase-2; the cytokines interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, and IL-24; and the chemokines CXCL5 and CXCL2. The investigators focused on CXCL5, which had the largest increase. Piroxicam, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat sunburn, reduced the increase in CXCL5 expression. CXCL5 is a potent chemoattractant for neutrophils and monocytes. In further explorations in UVB-irradiated rats, antibodies to CXCL5 attenuated hypersensitivity to mechanical pain and also reduced the number of neutrophils and macrophages that migrated into the skin.
Comment: Despite warnings against excessive sun exposure, many people still come to physicians complaining of sunburn. Little can be done after the fact to treat this problem. Finding that chemokines can attenuate sunburn-induced pain presents an entirely new treatment approach. Pain is only one aspect of the UVB response; determining whether increased CXCL5 causes erythema will be interesting. Investigating specific inhibitors of CXCL5 for effects on development of nonmelanoma skin cancers, melanomas, and actinic keratoses will be necessary before any clinical use. When chemokine inhibitors are developed and introduced, they will likely find applications for other skin conditions involving inflammatory cells.

Adjuvant Therapy Perhaps Not Necessary For Older Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer patients over the age of 60 with early-stage, hormone-responsive small tumors who forego adjuvant endocrine, also called hormonal therapy, are not at an increased risk of mortality compared to women of the same age without breast cancer, according to a study published Aug. 31 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

The use of hormonal therapy has increased in breast cancer patients overall, and the 2009 St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference recommended hormonal therapy for almost all patients with hormone-responsive disease. But previous studies have not identified patient subgroups that might not need adjuvant therapy or those who without the therapy would have the same longevity as women in the general population.

To identify patient sub-groups who may or may not benefit from adjuvant hormone therapy, Peer Christiansen, M.D., of the Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark and colleagues, looked at a population-based cohort of untreated breast cancer patients in Denmark. They identified 3197 patients with node-negative breast cancer from the Danish Breast Cancer Cooperative Group, between the ages of 35 and 74. The patients were not given adjuvant hormone therapy or chemotherapy.

The researchers obtained data on the mortality rate of the general Danish female population from Statistics Denmark. The researchers then estimated the relative risk of death among women in the study compared to the general population by calculating the standardized mortality ratios, or the ratio of the observed number of deaths among patients in the cohort compared to the expected number of deaths in the general population.

The researchers found that the excess mortality rate in the patient population was highest for patients aged between 35 and 39 years and lowest for those aged 60-64 years. The relative mortality of patients compared to the general population was also greater for patients with tumors larger than 10 millimeters. The researchers write: "Age less than 60 years at diagnosis and tumor size greater than 10 millimeters were independently associated with a worse prognosis."

However, they also identified a group of low-risk patients aged 60 or older with mortality rates comparable to the general population. These patients had tumors or 10 millimeters or less and low-grade disease (grade 1 ductal carcinoma, or grade 1 or 2 invasive lobular carcinoma.) The researchers concluded that these patients might not benefit from adjuvant therapy.

In an accompanying editorial, Jennifer J. Griggs, M.D., M.P.H., and Daniel F. Hayes, M.D., of the University of Michigan, write that the study confirms findings from other studies showing that local therapy alone is adequate for treating older women with small tumors and that "adjuvant endocrine therapy does not reduce the risk of mortality in patients with very small, node-negative hormone receptor-positive breast cancer because the risk of mortality is already extremely low."

However, the editorialists add that overall adjuvant therapy is effective in reducing the risk of recurrence in the same or opposite breast and that many women will continue to take it for that reason. "Clearly, patient preferences regarding risks and benefits of endocrine therapy play a critical role in decision making, and high-quality information support is essential in these settings."

Breast Cancer Risk Drops When Diet Includes Walnuts, Marshall Researchers Find

The risk of breast cancer dropped significantly in mice when their regular diet included a modest amount of walnut, Marshall University researchers report in the journal Nutrition and Cancer.

The study, led by Elaine Hardman, Ph.D., of Marshall's Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, compared the effects of a typical diet and a diet containing walnuts across the lifespan: through the mother from conception through weaning, and then through eating the food directly. The amount of walnut in the test diet equates to about 2 ounces a day for humans.

Hardman said that during the study period, the group whose diet included walnut at both stages developed breast cancer at less than half the rate of the group with the typical diet. In addition, the number of tumors and their sizes were significantly smaller.

"These reductions are particularly important when you consider that the mice were genetically programmed to develop cancer at a high rate," Hardman said. "We were able to reduce the risk for cancer even in the presence of a preexisting genetic mutation."

The paper notes that dietary modification studies do not show whether benefits result from what is added to a diet or what is removed. In this case, adding healthy fat and other components meant that unhealthy fat was reduced to keep total dietary fat balanced in the mice. Hardman said other studies have clearly shown, however, that multiple ingredients in walnuts reduce the risk of cancer or slow its growth.

Using genetic analysis, the Marshall study found that the walnut-containing diet changed the activity of multiple genes that are relevant to breast cancer in both mice and humans. Other testing showed that increases in omega 3 fatty acids did not fully account for the anti-cancer effect, and found that tumor growth decreased when dietary vitamin E increased.

Hardman said the findings highlight the vital role diet plays in health.

"Food is important medicine in our diet," she said. "What we put into our bodies makes a big difference - it determines how the body functions, our reaction to illness and health. The simple stuff really works: eat right, get off the couch, and turn off the TV.

"The results of this study indicate that increased consumption of walnut could be part of a healthy diet and reduce risk for cancer in future generations," she said.

The study was funded by grants from the American Institute for Cancer Research and the California Walnut Commission.

How to Protect your Skin from Photoaging ?

It is almost a universally accepted fact that no one likes to age faster. In fact, people do not want to age at all! In order to stop or at least slow down the aging process, people try all the possible methods and techniques that could help them to win over the battle against the natural aging process.

But since aging is a natural and a biological process, it cannot be completely stopped. But you can still do lots of things and take many precautionary and preventive measures to slow down the aging process. Here we will discuss about photo aging, which is caused by excessive exposure to the harmful rays of the sun that is known as Ultra Violet rays.

Excessive exposure to the UV rays can make a person’s skin appear dry,with irregular dark/light pigmentation,deep wrinkles etc(1,2).It has to be distinguished from chronological aging which is characterized by fine wrinkling, certain benign growths etc (1).This is done by a dermatologist. These signs of aging are enough to make your facial skin look far aged than your actual age! The damage caused to the skin due to over-exposure to the harmful rays of the sun, in simple terms, is termed as photoaging.

Given below are some useful tips to protect your skin from photoaging and keep your skin looking younger and full of life.

We know that epidermis, dermis and the subcutaneous layer are the three layers that comprise the skin. And collagen and elastin along with the other fibers make up the middle layer i.e. the dermis and are significantly responsible for providing support, firmness and elasticity to the skin and thus make it look young and beautiful. Repeated exposures to UV rays lead to increased breakdown and decreased production of collagen in the dermis.The damage accumulates overtime and leads to visible skin changes(3).

One of the best and the easiest tips to protect your skin from rapid photoaging is to get adequate sleep each day. If you get sufficient sleep, it will provide strength to your dermis to combat and tolerate the damage caused by the Ultra Violet rays. Also, proper sleep stimulates and enhances your brain, and according to recent evidence even skin, to produce melatonin that helps in reducing the negative effects of the sun’s rays on your skin(4). So sleep well to fight rapid photoaging.

The next tip to protect your skin from rapid photoaging is to make regular use of the sun blocks. You must never step out in the sun’s rays without applying a good-quality sun screen cream or lotion. And it should be applied on all your exposed skin at least half an hour before going outdoors.

If you have to spend long hours in the sun then do not forget to reapply the sunscreen at regular intervals. Your sunscreen should have at least a SPF( Sun Protection Factor) greater than 15 . SPF protects you from UV B rays only. Check out the sunscreens for UV A protection as well.It will be better if you use a wide-range sunscreen as it is more effective in providing protection against all types of the Ultra Violet rays.

Another useful tip to protect your skin from rapid photoaging is to correct the photo-damage by using moisturizers with healing properties. You must select moisturizing products that include ingredients such as CynergyTK and Wakame( aka undaria pinnatifida). CynergyTK looks after appropriate restoration of collagen(citation needed). Wakame helps in evading the damages caused to the collagen fiber. It also stops collagen protein from declining through it's antioxidant effects(6). All these factors help in preventing your skin against rapid photoaging.

Increasing the consumption of food sources of Vitamin C and Vitamin E can also help you in protecting your skin from rapid photoaging(5,8). Citrus fruits and certain vegetables are superb Vitamin C sources. This vitamin works against rapid photoaging by promoting the revival of collagen in your body system. Also, it has anti-oxidative properties and maintains even and fair skin tone by controlling the production of melanin pigments(7).

Protective clothing has proved to provide the greatest protection of all(5).For treatment consult a dermatologist.

Plastic Surgery - A Necessary Evil

Nowadays, plastic surgery is extremely popular and more and more people choose to go through such a procedure because it’s trendy, because a breast implant may reflect their social and financial status, or just because they want to look like the celebrities who have done such interventions and now are on the cover of magazines.
But plastic surgery doesn’t mean just breast implants, lips augmentation, liposuction, facial lifting or many other procedures meant to beautify an individual. There are cases in which plastic surgery becomes a necessary evil. Sometimes plastic surgeons have to operate not just individuals who want a different nose, bigger breasts or a flatter tummy because of fashion trends, or to improve their job prospects, but individuals whose lives really depend on a certain plastic procedure.
Behind the mediatization, behind the flim-flam, there are real people who go to a plastic surgeon because their life is endangered. And this seems to happen almost every day. So, when does plastic surgery becomes a necessary evil?
According to specialists in the field, plastic surgery is necessary when:
- Someone has a decrease in mobility because of the extra fat deposited in certain areas of the body
- Someone has been scarred or disfigured through an accident or treatment (as a result of a mastectomy for breast cancer, for example)
- Women who have big and heavy breasts need a breast reduction surgery because otherwise they find it hard to breathe and have problems with their spine
- Someone has extreme facial features or asymmetrical breast size
- Someone needs scar revisions, the removal of birthmarks, and the removal of skin cancer - the most common form of cancer in the United States. Eighty percent of skin cancer exists on the face, head and neck, and the removal of these malignant growths is an intricate procedure that should be performed by a plastic surgeon to ensure that a patient’s appearance is not compromised.
- Someone needs a rhinoplasty, or nose job surgery, to correct or improve the appearance of the nose.
- Someone has breathing problems related to a deviated septum needs a septoplasty. Besides, reconstruction of the nasal framework also can improve nasal airflow when there is structural collapse.
Nevertheless, those who pass through such a procedure should be realistic and not eager to see the results over night. First they should wait and see the improvement of their health condition and then later on the esthetic improvement.

Be More Daring In Bed. Spice Up Your Sex Life

This article is dedicated exclusively to women, because when it comes to be more daring in bed, well, things are more like ‘easy to say, hard to do’. But why does it have to be so hard? Let’s be honest, girls, and let’s face the fact that we all have our complexes which are not easy to accept: small breasts or bigger breasts, cellulite on our hips or thighs, flat butt, belly and so on. So how can you be relaxed and daring when you have so many things to think of?
According to David Taylor, sexologist and co-author of the book Your Long Erotic Weekend (Quiver), a couple goes through three phases:
The first phase is narcissism - “I want what I want and I will get it.”
The second phase is the compromise - you sacrifice everything to maintain harmony within the couple.
The third phase is the most wanted - synergy. “Couples who reach to this stage have understood that they can create more intimacy between them by seeing their partner’s needs as opportunities to strengthen their relationship.” But in order to reach this final stage you must not let yourself down by the routine and let him do the entire work in your intimacy. You have to work to and be daring.
First of all, you have to do everything you can to feel better in your own body: go to a SPA, buy yourself a sexy lingerie and create a pleasant and relaxing (be careful not to fall asleep) in the bedroom. Wear your high heels, your best bra and some really sexy clothes, in fact as less clothes as you can. Stuff your pajama in your closet and go for a piece of lingerie that makes you feel hot and daring.
One of the best ways to be daring in bed is to stay open with the things you like. At first, it’s true, you may be shy or embarrassed, but once you pass over the fear of talking about what turns you on, you will find it easier each time and you will realize that things can work out as you wish too and that the pleasure will be for both of you. If you are always waiting for your partner to take the initiative, you may experience boredom at some point. Besides, there’s nothing to be ashamed of and taking the initiative for you, as a woman, is absolutely normal nowadays.
For instance, you can initiate an intimate moment in different times of day: at sunrise or even when you come back home from the office. It’s up to you to spice up your sex life: have sex in the bathtub, in the car, in an elevator or in a motel. It’s healthy an fun to experiment sexual stuffs and the pleasure is granted when you and your partner are equally open-minded. Even a talk about doing something new may be sexy because for most women, the foreplay begins long before getting rid of your clothes. It’s normal to feel foolish wearing a cop uniform or disguise in a medical nurse or to make him pass as the ‘cable guy’, but take it all as a play and you’ll have the fun of your life!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Diabetic Foot Complications: Four Tips To Prevent Foot Problems

There are currently more than 25 million Americans living with diabetes in the United States today. After years of elevated blood sugar levels patients often have diabetic complications. These complications include heart problems, blindness, chronic kidney disease and nerve damage. Foot problems are a very common complications of diabetes.
Patients with diabetes are at high risk for foot problems because of poor circulation and loss of sensation in the feet. These deficiencies leave the patient at risk for developing pressure sores, infection, difficulty healing and even amputations. The best defenses against foot complications is proper foot care and excellent sugar control.
The number one defense against diabetic complications of any kind is tight glucose control. This is achieved through healthy diet, routine blood sugar monitoring and exercise. To prevent foot complications it is best to invest follow these tips!
1. Find the Right Shoe! Knowing what to look for in an orthopedic shoe is important. Shoes should have thick, quality cushioning to prevent rubbing and sores on the feet. The insoles should be well cushioned to prevent pressure sores. The insoles should be removable to allow for orthotic devices to be placed in the shoes if necessary. Shoes with a low heel are appropriate for most patients. Select shoes with wide toe boxes to allow plenty of space for the toes, particularly if you have foot deformities such as bunions or hammer toes.
2. Find the Right Fit! Proper footwear should fit appropriately and should not be too snug. To avoid buying shoes that are too tight, shop toward the end of the day to account for foot swelling that tends to occur.
3. Find the Right Doctor! Make an appointment with a foot doctor, or podiatrist. Your podiatrist will show you how to do a complete foot exam that you should do every day. Daily foot checks insure that you will find problem areas before they become infected because often diabetic patients have difficulty sensing open wounds on the feet. The podiatrist may recommend using orthotic devices to correct foot deformities. This will help prevent abnormal pressure on the foot and limit your risk of ulcers, infection and amputations.
4. Pamper Your Feet! Wash and inspect your feet daily. Wear clean, comfortable socks that do not have seams or holes.
Follow these tips, keep sugars in good control and invest in quality shoes to keep your feet free from diabetic complications!