Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Holistic Approach to Depression and Anxiety

If you have depression and/or anxiety, in addition to conventional medical treatment, consider major changes to your diet and vitamin, trace mineral and herbal supplements. You may have vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Avoid processed, packaged and junk foods. Processed, packaged and junk foods are filled with sugar (primarily high fructose corn syrup), chemicals and toxins. They do not have much fiber or nutrients in them. Avoid soda and artificial fruit drinks. Soda and artificial fruit drinks contain a lot of sugar and toxins that can damage the brain. Also, artificial sweeteners in processed foods and drinks contain chemical sweeteners that are toxic to the brain.
We are bombarding our brains with toxins in our food. At the same time, we are starving our brains of nutrients (vitamins and minerals) because of the food we eat and the beverages we drink. Our energy is being drained by these foods and drinks.
For healthy brains, we need a lot of nutrients (vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants). We need to hydrate ourselves with pure, filtered water (not soda and artificial fruit drinks). This is achieved through a high nutrient diet and through large doses of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. A high nutrient diet primarily consists of fresh, non-starchy vegetables, some starchy vegetables and some fruit, berries, nuts and seeds) and some whole grains. Fresh vegetables, fruit, berries, nuts and seeds and whole grains have the fiber our bodies need as well. Some protein is fine, but should be limited. At least 80% of your diet should consist of vegetables, fruit, berries, nuts and seeds. You can get protein from beans, legumes, eggs, fish and lean meat. But, limit your intake of protein and red meat. For starch, eat whole grains, whole potatoes and whole yams along with whole grain pasta, because they contain nutrients.
Fresh, whole, organic vegetables are best because they contain the maximum amount of nutrients in them. They contain the minimum amount of toxins in them. But, fresh non-organic whole vegetables and whole (non-processed) frozen vegetables are better than processed, packaged and junk foods. Avoid genetically modified foods.
Substantially reduce refined sugar and starch in your diet (such as white bread, white rice, white pasta and chips). Substantially reduce fat in your diet - especially poly unsaturated and hydrogenated fats such as vegetable, corn and safflower oil and margarine. Use natural fats such as olive oil and butter. But, go light on olive oil and dairy products such as butter and cheese because they have a high caloric content.
A raw diet is best. Raw, fresh vegetables, fruit, berries, nuts and seeds contain the most nutrients. But, if you wish to cook your food, lightly cook it. This will preserve many of the nutrients in them. Steam them lightly. Boil, bake and grill them lightly. Limit your consumption of processed sauces and condiments. They contain a lot of high fructose corn syrup, salt and toxins.
Some of the best vegetables with a lot of vitamins and minerals in them include green leafy vegetables (such as spinach and kale), broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, asparagus, avocados, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, yams, cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, string beans, lima beans, peppers, artichokes and root vegetables (such as beets, parsnips and turnips). Eat plenty of garlic and onions. Eat berries especially blueberries and strawberries. Eat fruit, especially apples, bananas, grapes, peaches, plums, pears and melons. Super foods such as pomegranates and acai and goji berries are also good. Eat nuts. Almonds and walnuts are especially healthful. Seeds are very healthy too.
Supplement your high nutrient diet with vitamins, minerals and other supplements. A multi-vitamin is good, but it not enough to give you the vitamins and minerals you need for good health even if you are on a high nutrient diet. This is because the nutritional value of fresh and frozen vegetables, fruits and berries has been depleted. This is due to depletion of nutrients in the soil.
So, on a daily basis, take a multi vitamin, but fortify it with additional vitamins and supplements including vitamin A, B-Complex (B-6 and B-12 and Folic Acid and Niacin especially), C, D (D3 especially), E and K Take trace minerals daily. You can get trace minerals in liquid form. Some of the essential trace minerals include iron, zinc, manganese, potassium, magnesium, copper, iodine, selenium, molybdenum, chromium, calcium, sulfur, cobalt, nickel, boron, beryllium, sodium, copper, tin, silicon, vanadium, fluorine. Get lots of sunshine on your face, forehead and arms.
Also, on a daily basis, take (i) Antioxidants (CoQ10, green tea and green tea extract and Resveratrol are good), (ii) Adatogens (such as cordyceps, reishi and shitaki mushrooms), Asrtalagus and Tumeric (Curcurim), (iii) anti inflammatory supplements such as fish oil and (iv) protein/amino acid supplements. When your energy is low, take Echinacea and Aasian Ginseng, Astalagus and Asian Mushrooms and Asian Mushroom supplements (i..e, reishi, cordyceps and shitaki mushrooms). When you feel anxious, take Holy Basil and Kava Kava. When you feel depressed, take St. John's Wort.
Vitamin B-12, D, Co-Q 10 and Astralagus are especially important for depression and anxiety
Drink plenty of water. Some prescribe at least eight, eight ounce glasses of water per day. Filter your water, because tap water contains chemicals. Get plenty of exercise. At the very least, walk two to three miles a day. When you are sitting for long periods, stretch your legs and body and get up and move around or exercise. Breathe more deeply and take a lot more deep breaths to draw the maximum amount of oxygen into your lungs.
To maximize absorption of nutrients, it is important to be in a relaxed and balanced state. This will require you to manage stress, center yourself and purge anger, fear and negativity, while living in the moment and controlling negative thoughts. This is done through deep breathing, centering yourself in your heart, reiki treatments along with meditation and yoga. My books, End of Mood Disorders, The Road to Happiness and The Road to Healing, Good Health and Wellness will teach you the techniques needed to develop inner peace, peace of mind and joy. The books are comprehensive guides that approach depression and anxiety as energy and spiritual disorders as well as mental illnesses and problems with brain chemistry. My books recommend to readers energy-related, positive thinking, meditation and spiritual techniques to achieve and maintain peace of mind, balance, a lot of energy and happiness.

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