Saturday, October 8, 2011

Only Good Cholesterol Diets Lower Cholesterol

The idea is to stop eating those foods that increase cholesterol and only eat those foods that dismantle, mop up and expel bad cholesterol from the body. Only good cholesterol diets lower cholesterol.
Foods that are rich in saturated fats, trans-fats, sugars, salt and white flour are the foods that increase these cholesterol deposits in the bloodstream. These deposits then attach themselves to the walls of the blood vessels causing dangerous blockages to occur.
Foods that are rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, cereals, ground provision, peas and beans - these foods have the ability to neutralize the effect of bad cholesterol by absorbing or mopping up these fats and trans-fats, build strength in the walls of the blood vessels to protect from further erosion.
Low cholesterol foods also have low calorific value and also aid in any weight loss program. They are rich in vitamins and minerals which are vital for the proper functioning of the body. These foods also reduce the risk of cancer, high blood pressure and because of its anti-arteriosclerotic activity they reduce the risk of heart disease.
There is a great debate going as to whether lean meat is a source of good cholesterol. Some people say that such meats as chicken, turkey, fish, lean red meat, are sources of low cholesterol and they contain much essential minerals, proteins, vitamins and micronutrients that are good for efficient metabolism. The problem with meat today is that it is filled with hormones and in the case of fish, mercury toxins. Meat is not low in calorific value and over time makes one obese. The obesity problem in America is mainly due to the consumption of meat.
Here then is a sample of a diet for low cholesterol which you can use for breakfast lunch and dinner:-
Breakfast - Soy milk, oat bran cereal with fruit and almonds, oat meal bread, olive oil.
Lunch - Soy cold cuts, oat bran bread, bean soup and fruit
Dinner - Stir-fry vegetables, fruit, nuts.
This type of diet will ensure low cholesterol if followed over time. Also of great importance is the consumption of large quantities of pure water and a daily exercise program.
The following are some more general guidelines that will serve one in good stead:-
  1. As a general rule you should eat more foods that increase the level of good cholesterol such as garlic, fruits and vegetables, whole grain foods and fibrous foods,
  2. If you are a fish eater, eat those fatty fishes because of their omega-3 fatty acid content. These are mackerel, salmon, herring and tuna fish.
  3. Your good cholesterol foods must be rich in antioxidants and nutrients - vitamin C, beta carotene (vitamin A), vitamin E and selenium. All fresh fruit, dried fruit and vegetables will supply these.
  4. Consume 2-3 liters of pure water daily. This will flush out toxins and remove bad cholesterol.
  5. Consumption of saturated fats in the form of animal fats should be avoided. These contain lots of bad cholesterol. If this is to be consumed, it should be with fibers and water,
  6. Increase your intake of unsaturated fats such as olive oil, almonds, nuts and unrefined vegetable oils. These prevent cardiovascular diseases and some kinds of cancers,
  7. Decrease or eliminate the use of foods that decrease the level of good cholesterol such as margarines, butter and sunflower oil. Replace with white vinegar, olive oil and canola oil,
  8. If you are to consume alcohol, limit it to two glasses of wine or beer a day. These are particularly rich in antioxidants and help in the production of good cholesterol.
All this advice should confirmed with your health professional before embarking on same.

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