Thursday, September 1, 2011

Can Depression and Anxiety Lead to Hypomnesia?

There are various factors or causes that lead to depression and anxiety. Depression can be triggered by an event or genetic factors. Anxiety disorder, meanwhile, can affect daily functions. There are social situations or conditions which can create a lot of pressure and make people uncomfortable, leaving them with bouts with anxiety.
When depression and anxiety happens together, the situation can be extremely stressful and sometimes can cause hypomnesia. Hypomnesia is a term often referred to as poor memory or the inability of a person to recall previously memorized information.
The stress and panic that a person feels during episodes and depression and anxiety, can affect certain areas of the brain and lead to temporary memory slips. But hypomnesia caused by depression and anxiety can be treated, when depression and anxiety is also treated.
There are different forms of treatment for depression. Making some lifestyle changes will not only ease depression, but can also improve a person's memory. Bipolar 1, where a patient experiences a cycle of mania and depression, can cause a person to temporary lose memory and experience hallucinations. To address depression, sufferers are recommended to:
· Exercise. Physical activity does not only help the body produce feel-good chemicals, but is also a great way of improving memory.
· Sleep. Getting enough hours of sleep everyday is also a great memory enhancer. Poor sleep or lack of sleep can affect the part of the brain responsible for storing long-term memories.
· Proper nutrition. There are "brain" foods which will also benefit your brain and at the same time help ease depression.
Meanwhile, anxiety is characterized by fear and worry. Whenever a person experiences an anxiety attack, the first thing that a person should do is relax. Simple methods can help a person relax such as:
· Breathing exercises. Breathing properly will help oxygen get into the system and will help sooth the body,
· Listening to calming music. Music can significantly reduce anxiety attacks and are in fact used during different medical settings.
· Guided imagery or visualization. Patients can identify a calming situation and imagine it to relax.
· Massage. This is another therapy which can help in reducing stress and overcoming anxiety.
For some changes in lifestyle and performing simple exercises can help a person deal with depression and therapy. But, whether the methods worked or did not work for you, it is very important to get professional help and support in overcoming these behaviour problems.

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